Basic Details


Elizabeth Edwards

ID Number





Business support for new businesses and retail
I help businesses with 1:1 advice sessions and deliver interactive workshops, including finance, sales, marketing and digital marketing.

I am currently delivering a retail focussed project supporting current independent retailers on our high street in Torbay and also providing a pop up shop for new or existing online businesses who wish to experience retail on the high street, some of who will go on to getting their own premises. The pop up shop is called Pop Up The High Street.

Previously I was part of a project that helped to started over 350 new businesses in Torbay.

For the last 4 ½ years I worked for Outset Torbay delivering business support for both new and existing businesses in Torbay, I was responsible for the work in Brixham and delivered across the bay. Outset helped over 350 businesses to start up, as well as social enterprises. My role was to deliver a course of specific workshops to help people explore if running their own business was for them and if so how to set this up. The workshops included Market Research, Business Planning, Marketing, Finance, Promoting your Business and Sales. I also delivered a series of 3 workshops for existing businesses, these were Finance, Sales and Marketing. As well as this I was a mentor for NEA and clients applying for Start Up Loans and offered one to one support as required.

Regions Covered

South West

Support Type


Support Offered

One-to-one, Group, Face-to-face, Telephone, Online (Email)

SFEDI Approved Business Support Qualification(s)

Level 5 Certificate in Professional Business and Enterprise Support Services

On the web


[email protected]