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To verify the accreditation status of a specific enterprise support professional you can search for them directly by name or SFEDI ID. For general searches please use the filters to the left of the screen.

Please note If an individual is not listed then their current credentials have not been verified by SFEDI.

Profile picture of Tony Openshaw

Tony Openshaw

Location: Preston

Bio: Tony is an accredited Business Advisor, qualified Small Business Coach, and former Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He currently works for the UpSkilling Lancashire Project at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), supporting businesses in [...]

Profile picture of Stevie Worsell

Stevie Worsell

Location: East Sussex

Bio: The biggest challenge that we face is the limits we place upon ourselves I believe in a world where leaders are influential through their people. They inspire others, and are people-focused, ensuring those that report into them feel valued, have the opportunity [...]

Profile picture of John Kilcoyne

John Kilcoyne

Location: Solihull

Bio: John Kilcoyne is a fully qualified and experienced Business Advisor. He specialises in providing business advice and bookkeeping support to new and existing businesses. In the last few years has been delivering on Work programme contracts throughout the UK. His [...]

Profile picture of Andrew Mercer

Andrew Mercer

Location: Swindon

Bio: I help businesses access the finance they require to start and grow. I work with small business owners directly on funding application on behalf of fund providers and delivery partners . These include debt finance, business grants and alternative business finance. I [...]

Profile picture of Peter Gaunt

Peter Gaunt

Location: Manchester

Bio: Peter leads the development of the Business Growth Hub's long term strategic collaborative relationships with key stakeholders, Greater Manchester's ten Local Authorities, business partners, national programmes and sponsors. The Business Growth Hub connects [...]

Profile picture of Justin Jackson

Justin Jackson

Location: Oxford

Bio: I’ve worked with dozens of household names to deliver superb experiences to millions of people around the world. Now I train and advise hundreds of entrepreneurs and managers each year. It’s been a privilege to work with 19 Entertainment, Afilias, American [...]

Profile picture of Nathan Hardwick

Nathan Hardwick

Location: NE26 1QW

Bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, amet minimum mei no, vis cibo omittam definitiones ea. Vix ea delenit similique, ut mucius facete consetetur vel. Etiam doming meliore vim in, in sea rebum impetus accusamus. Ius ei alterum erroribus, dolore cetero lobortis et his. Mnesarchum [...]

Profile picture of Martin Allpress

Martin Allpress

Location: Chelmsford, Essex

Bio: Extensive accountancy experience specialising in insolvency both personal corporate recovery. Business adviser since 2006 using knowledge and skills gained over the last 40 years.

Profile picture of Sharon Davies

Sharon Davies

Location: Margate

Bio: Business adviser with real life business experience and knowledge, owned and run 3 small businesses over a 24 year period. Former Investor in People Registered adviser and Business Link adviser. Currently supporting Rural Retailers and community enterprises in [...]

Profile picture of Dionne Nelson

Dionne Nelson

Location: Luton

Bio: I'm a highly developed leader, with City & Guilds Teacher Trainer, SFEDI Social Enterprise Business Support Practitioner, and Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs Mentoring certifications with more than 25 years’ experience working in the Non-Profit [...]