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To verify the accreditation status of a specific enterprise support professional you can search for them directly by name or SFEDI ID. For general searches please use the filters to the left of the screen.

Please note If an individual is not listed then their current credentials have not been verified by SFEDI.

Profile picture of Stella Rice

Stella Rice

Location: Starston

Bio: Currently working with businesses across Norfolk and Suffolk as a Business Growth Adviser. Engaging with businesses that have aspiration, ambition and a commitment to growth. Supporting businesses in every sector from engineering to logistics to hospitality. [...]

Profile picture of Morgan Potter

Morgan Potter

Location: Ipwich

Bio: Highly experienced Chartered Engineer and Business Advisor with a DBA and two MBA’s: has an extremely good track record of creating new technologies, together with delivering highly effective business research and analysis. Fully conversant with the latest technological [...]

Profile picture of John Stenhouse

John Stenhouse

Location: Ipswich

Bio: Qualified accountant with over 40 years business experience of delivering business support to local, regional and national schemes. Managing the New Anglia Growth Hub with a team of qualified business advisers delivering programmes to SME's.