Basic Details
Name | Martin Brunner |
ID Number | SFEDI584982918947935 |
Location | Havant |
Bio | I am a consultant, business adviser, facilitator, trainer and mentor with broad leadership and management experience in both the private and public sectors. I qualified initially in Hotel Management and then subsequently as a teacher and have held senior positions in hotels and the Further Education and Higher Education sectors. For a number of years I managed an award-winning School of Hospitality and Service Management. I specialise in service management, quality assurance, business mentoring and partnership project assignments and have significant experience in the Tourism and Hospitality sectors. Specific project work has been cited as a 'key strength' by Ofsted in two separate inspections and twice as 'outstanding' during Quality Assurance Agency reviews in 2014 and 2015. I have worked with organisations of all types and sizes, and have been instrumental in developing and sustaining successful partnerships and consortia. People matter to me and I have a personal mission to support and enable individuals, organisations and partnerships to achieve their goals and ambitions. When developing and maintaining partnerships which are truly ‘win-win’ and which deliver the best possible outcomes I believe in the importance of building trust & a set of shared values, mutual respect and excellent communications as cornerstones and prerequisites of effectiveness. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality, and a Member of the Institute of Customer Service and the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs. I have ILM/SFEDI accreditation and am an Assessor for the Hospitality Assured Business and Service Excellence Standard. I am a Member of the Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Expertise and Potential Contribution • A consultant, facilitator and mentor with broad experience in the public and private sectors DISC Profile – Values Martin Brunner (MB) brings to the Organisation: MB’s greatest contribution will be his enthusiastic and persuasive characteristics that will assist in winning over clients and colleagues alike. His bent towards a logic and systematic approach, coupled with his outgoing nature, makes him a natural communicator. His energetic and mobile nature will ensure that he continually attempts new and novel projects which his colleagues will be willing to follow.’ |
Regions Covered | London, South East |
Support Type | Adviser, Broker |
Support Offered | One-to-one, Group, Face-to-face, Telephone, Online (Email), Online (Skype) |
SFEDI Approved Business Support Qualification(s) | ILM/SFEDI Business Adviser, ILM/SFEDI Business Link Broker |