Basic Details


Martin Brunner

ID Number





I am a consultant, business adviser, facilitator, trainer and mentor with broad leadership and management experience in both the private and public sectors.

I qualified initially in Hotel Management and then subsequently as a teacher and have held senior positions in hotels and the Further Education and Higher Education sectors.

For a number of years I managed an award-winning School of Hospitality and Service Management. I specialise in service management, quality assurance, business mentoring and partnership project assignments and have significant experience in the Tourism and Hospitality sectors.

Specific project work has been cited as a 'key strength' by Ofsted in two separate inspections and twice as 'outstanding' during Quality Assurance Agency reviews in 2014 and 2015. I have worked with organisations of all types and sizes, and have been instrumental in developing and sustaining successful partnerships and consortia.

People matter to me and I have a personal mission to support and enable individuals, organisations and partnerships to achieve their goals and ambitions. When developing and maintaining partnerships which are truly ‘win-win’ and which deliver the best possible outcomes I believe in the importance of building trust & a set of shared values, mutual respect and excellent communications as cornerstones and prerequisites of effectiveness.

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality, and a Member of the Institute of Customer Service and the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs. I have ILM/SFEDI accreditation and am an Assessor for the Hospitality Assured Business and Service Excellence Standard. I am a Member of the Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Expertise and Potential Contribution

• A consultant, facilitator and mentor with broad experience in the public and private sectors
• Specialist knowledge of quality assurance, service excellence and service management.
• Significant experience of working in the tourism sector as a business advisor, coach, researcher and product developer.
• Proven and effective leadership, communication and partnership building & maintenance skills
• Sound project, research and interim management record leading to excellent outcomes.
• Experienced with supporting individuals, businesses and organisations of all sizes with improvement and development activities using contemporary models.
• SFEDI Gold Standard Accreditation
• Experienced self-assessment practitioner; EFQM Excellence Model & Hospitality Assured Assessor
• Qualified teacher and trainer, with experience in both further and higher education sectors
• Trained Coach and Mentor (Clutterbuck Associates and People 1st)
• Registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP 10029499)
• 32 years’ experience as Managing Director of a company

DISC Profile – Values Martin Brunner (MB) brings to the Organisation:

MB’s greatest contribution will be his enthusiastic and persuasive characteristics that will assist in winning over clients and colleagues alike. His bent towards a logic and systematic approach, coupled with his outgoing nature, makes him a natural communicator. His energetic and mobile nature will ensure that he continually attempts new and novel projects which his colleagues will be willing to follow.’

Regions Covered

London, South East

Support Type

Adviser, Broker

Support Offered

One-to-one, Group, Face-to-face, Telephone, Online (Email), Online (Skype)

SFEDI Approved Business Support Qualification(s)

ILM/SFEDI Business Adviser, ILM/SFEDI Business Link Broker

On the web


[email protected]